Wall Street Playboys.

Jan 4, 2015

The Definitive Guide to Doing the Opposite

In our year end blog review we explained that the best move on New Years Eve is to stay in. New Years Eve celebrations consist of nothing but the Junior Varsity crowd getting sloppy drunk at overpriced venues for $300 a head. It is a waste of time. This has been a consistent theme on this blog “do the opposite” and we’re going to go through a large number of examples below. From small to large.

Dec 24, 2014

You Are Taught To Be Poor

This is the primary reason to avoid the mainstream media. The goal is to teach you to be poor. While most say they “wish they were rich” they harbor deep seeded negative beliefs about money. Call it Hocus Pocus if you wish. It is most certainly true.

Dec 11, 2014

Personal Finance Advice on the Internet is Bogus

After getting more and more comments about making money, breaking out of the middle class and generating passive income we decided to read a few popular personal finance blogs. The first step was realizing that most of these blogs encourage you to live a boring life by focusing on net worth instead of the much more important number, Adjusted Lifetime Spending.

Nov 3, 2014

Get Out of the Middle Class

We are unaware of a post that addresses the issues of the middle class mindset. We’re going to try and tackle this.

Oct 4, 2014

How Do You Get Rich? Two Rules.

Everyone in their 20s wants to be rich (note: we’re defining “rich” as $1M+, Felix Dennis will disagree). Ask any male who is in the 20-29 year old age bracket and you’ll find becoming rich is the number one goal in their life 9/10 times. The reason why they won’t get rich is simply because they lack patience and believe they are smart. Here is the trick to becoming a millionaire by 30 (+/- a couple years for safety).